140. Aligned Action Taking [Biofield Anatomy Series, Right Foot]

Season #1

In this second installment of our 17-episode series on the Biofield Anatomy—developed by Eileen McKusick of Biofield Tuning—we’re exploring the energy of the right foot. While the left foot addresses feeling mired or anchored in one place, the right foot is about forward movement and how we approach our next steps. Are we stepping into the future with trust and confidence, or are lingering fears and doubts holding us back?

In this episode, I share real client stories, practical tools, and insights into how repatterning and releasing energy in the right foot can help you take more intentional, empowered actions. We’ll also look at how your emotions and mindset shape the outcomes of your efforts, and why aligning your inner energy with your outer actions is key to achieving genuine momentum.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How the right foot in the Biofield Anatomy represents forward momentum and the “how” behind your next steps.
  • Why two people can take the same action yet get very different results, depending on the energy and emotion driving their actions.
  • Real-life examples of clients who transformed hesitation and fear into trust and possibility by repatterning energy patterns.
  • A simple, step-by-step practice to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions so you can move forward more confidently.
  • How releasing and repatterning old disappointments and fears can create both stability and lightness in your progress.

Join the Energy Reboot (December 20th):
Ready to release what’s holding you back and step forward with clarity? Sign up for the Energy Reboot, a collective Biofield Tuning experience. Plus, you’ll receive one free month in the Grow a Thriving Practice coaching program in January—an ideal way to carry your new energy into the new year.
Sign up here: jillianfaldmo.com/getmoving

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